Categories: 新聞漫畫

三十五周年!大友克洋 AKIRA 英文紀念版 BOX SET!



大友克洋老師的《AKIRA》最初於 1982 年連載,距今已 35 年了(比我還要老)。講談社因此將於今年 10 月 24 日推出 35 周年的英文特別版 BOX SET!內裡除了有第 1 – 6 期的漫畫本外,更附送了於 1995 年推出的《 AKIRA CLUB》,那主要收錄了漫畫版的插畫、彩稿和當年的宣傳產品,還有相關的文字解說等等,現在要找也只有二手貨了,這次的再版絕對是個大贈送~


*Box design not final.



Akira 35th Anniversary Box Set

An all-new, complete 35th anniversary hardcover box set of one of the most acclaimed and influential comics of all time, with the original Japanese art and right-to-left reading format for the first time! The science fiction epic that changed anime and manga forever is presented in six beautiful hardcover volumes, plus the hardcover Akira Club art book and an exclusive patch with the iconic pill design.

In 1982, Kodansha published the first chapter of Akira, a dystopian saga set in Neo-Tokyo, a city recovering from thermonuclear attack where the streets have been ceded to motorcycle gangs and the rich and powerful run dangerous experiments on destructive, supernatural powers that they cannot control. In 1988, the manga was adapted into what was at the time the most expensive animated film ever made, which brought Akira’s influence out of the manga world and onto the global stage. Today, it remains a touchstone for artists, writers, filmmakers, and fans, retaining all the brutal impact and narrative intensity it had when Otomo first unleashed it onto the world.

Series: Akira
Hardcover: 2530 pages
Publisher: Kodansha Comics; Box edition (October 24, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1632364611
ISBN-13: 978-1632364616
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 6.1 x 6.1 inches

Price: $126 USD


有趣的是,翻查資料時發現原來德文版推出過非常相似的 BOX SET,在影片可看到大概,除了有漫畫書和《AKIRA CLUB》外,也有附送 post card。不知這次三十五周年的英文版是不是一樣?








另外也補上一些《AKIRA CLUB》日本版的相片,這本基本上可當作漫畫版的主要畫集,無論畫作和製作資料也是十分重要和有趣,對《AKIRA》漫畫版有興趣的朋友一定會喜歡的!









不知道日本版也會不會再出 BOX SET 和《AKIRA CLUB》呢?傳說中近年將會有台灣中文版推出,可是我們有可靠消息說因為種種問題而出現了變數⋯⋯唔⋯⋯幸好我有舊版的中文版 :p




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