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鍾情使用鉛芯筆之香港畫師 Jack Ip 葉程風!小型原畫展 + 新書《FILE 001》發佈!

香港近年愈來愈多出色的年輕插畫師,這位曾於 2018 年獲日本插畫家協會選為世界 100 名最具吸引力插畫家的香港插畫師 Jack Ip 葉程風,將於 8 月 17 日於灣仔 MOSSES 舉辦一日限定的小型原畫展 + 新書《FILE 001》發佈!

看見他的插畫筆觸細膩,寫實之中又帶點虛幻,加上點點拼貼之感。細問他為何鍾情使用鉛芯筆作為插畫工具,他說因為自己一直也很喜歡 Hedi Slimane 和 Robert Mapplethorpe 兩位攝影師的細緻黑白照片,因此想到使用繪畫幼細線條的鉛芯筆作畫,嘗試以筆觸重塑那種細緻的感覺。另外有一個浪漫之親情原因,其實他現時使用的鉛芯筆是他爸爸很久以前送給他的,這支筆對他有種非常特別的意義,所以一直也很喜歡用它作畫。

IG 有些作畫 making of
還有與 PERKS 合作推出的襟章

“FILE 001” Launch Exhibition by Jack Ip
August 17th, 2019
5:00-7:30 pm
14 St. Francis Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (the shop is linked with ODD ONE OUT gallery)

Facebook event:

Introducing the debut launch exhibition of “FILE 001” by illustrator Jack Ip, presented by MOSSES. “FILE 001” is a culmination of Ip’s best 15 pieces of work created throughout 2018-19. The concept behind the title is that “I want this zine to become a folder, an album to collect my best drawings” and shared with the world. “FILE 001” is simply the document number, the start of a new illustrations collection with more episodes to come.

Presented in a delightful zine-esque book of all hand-drawn sketches, Ip takes us back to appreciate the detail and technique of hand-drawing with only a propelling pencil on paper. Since his adolescence, Ip was inspired by the 70s Punk movement and its DIY aesthetic. Ip always tries to keep the spirit of his inspiration in each drawing.

For celebrating the launch of this zine, Ip has teamed up with perks, a local design studio specialising in producing quality badges and pins. The set of 3 button badges set will come exclusively alongside the zine as a souvenir during the launch.

This one day only event is not to be missed! “FILE 001” is the very beginning of this artist series. Come through this August 17th, Saturday from 5pm onwards at MOSSES.

About Jack Ip
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Jack Ip turned his childhood obsession of drawing into becoming an ambitious creative. Following his interests in fashion, music and graphic design, Ip went on to graduate at Central Saint Martins in June 2018 with a degree of Fashion Communication and Promotion. Known for its boundary-pushing talent, CSM was the perfect breeding ground for Ip to explore artistic expression in multiple forms.

Jack Ip was awarded one of the ‘100 Illustrators Most Attractive in the World’ by the Japan Illustrators’ Association in November 2018. He has also become a member of the association ever since.

Contact info:
Tel: +852 98350423
Instagram: @ching1217 @mossesbooks @perks.production

Flyer Design | On Chi Leung


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