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利志達《卡夫卡》/Li Chi Tak "Kafka"

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利志達《卡夫卡》/Li Chi Tak "Kafka"
出版社: 今日出版

All script in Traditional Chinese.


書籍的設計也很有心思,書度近似電影銀幕的比例,翻閱時一頁一格真的像在「看」電影~「卡」和「夫」的字體僅有一角的差別,也跟「版頭」一樣用了像符號的並列設計。而封面是以燙黑燙印在帶橫紋的卡紙上,油墨因紙紋稍微滲出,像在呼應「版頭」畫作一樣,未知是否刻意重現,但也是我喜歡的部份。(設計:chanWall playground)


「灰色像是我與卡夫卡的共同形象。」—— 利志達

精選自世界著名作家卡夫卡的文學作品,利志達《卡夫卡》以漫畫呈現 10 個短篇故事,當中包括:

〈Vulture〉—— 果然敵不過牠;
〈Passers〉—— 陌生人說陌生人;
〈Trees〉—— 真表象 vs 假表象;
〈Road〉—— 路真的要自己去找;
〈Wolves〉—— 狼,我們都是;
〈Rain〉—— 不停的出現、不停的出現;
〈Love〉—— 我的周遭是長茅和利刀;
〈War〉—— 戰爭!戰爭!戰爭!;
以及〈Power〉—— 誰擁有,誰就能。


"Grey is like my connection with Kafka."— Chi-tak Li.

With a mindful selection of short stories by renowned author Franz Kafka, Li's new book features 10 stories in his iconic comics style, including:
Vulture — I can never win it over,
Passers — talking to strangers,
Trees — reality vs illusion,
Road — find your own way,
Wolves — we are all wolves,
Shy —Awww...,
Rain — again and again,
Love — I am surrounded by lances and sharp knives,
War — war, war, war!,
and Power — who owns it, who is the boss.

Movies, TV series, and plays were commonly adapted from Kafka's literary works, whereas Li interprets Kafka's works in a different way with his simple and delicate black and white line drawings. A mysterious world that is as blurred as grey, ambiguous, and powerless. Drawing Kafka's literature has always been one of Li's wishes, he has devoted himself to this book since 10 years ago. The new comics book is designed in pocket size, one panel on one page, and deepened the story page by page.



1982 年投身漫畫創作,在港式漫畫集團工作一個月後即以自由身闖蕩漫畫界。繪畫過《衛斯理》系列後,87 年自資出版代表作《同門少年》而聲名大噪,自此發展其獨特的漫畫風格,以奇詭實驗、突破類型的漫畫築構自己的視覺世界。

漫畫以外,亦參與多個跨媒介的創作,將其繪畫延伸至電影、實驗劇場、文學、流行音樂、雕塑等。此外,其別樹一幟的畫風,吸引多個國際品牌委約創作。 利志達是海外漫畫迷熟知的香港漫畫家,1990年代開始已在海外連載及出版,包括日本的講談社及小學館、臺灣、馬來西亞、中國內地、法國、意大利等。

2016 年,香港藝術中心聯同法國安古蘭國際漫畫節為其策劃個人展覽,成為該屆漫畫節主題展之一,同步推出與著名比利時作家Jean Dufaux合作的法語漫畫《The Beast》。是次個人展覽更帶來另一次面向國際的合作,利志達獲羅浮宮博物館合作邀請,編繪最新漫畫《蟾宮事變》,法文版率先於 2019 年 11 月於歐洲發行,香港中文版由今日出版於 2020 年 3 月推出。2021 年出版愛情漫畫《飲水》,同年以著名文學作家卡夫卡的短篇作品為材,出版最新漫畫《卡夫卡》。

About Chi-tak Li:

Chi-tak Li began his career in the comics industry in 1982. After working for a corporate comics publisher in Hong Kong for a month, he decided to start his own venture as a freelancer. Following on from the release of The Wisely series, he self-published Tong Men Shao Nian, a prominent title which rocketed him to fame in 1987. He has since developed a distinctive art style, creating his own visual world with eerily experimental works that broke genre rules. Li’s transmedia creations transcend the boundary of comics and expand into movies, experimental theatres, literature, pop music and sculptures. His idiosyncratic style has attracted the attention and commissions from local and international brands. Li is also well-known to the international comics scene. His comics has been published in places like Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Mainland China, France and Italy since the 90s. In 2016, the Hong Kong Arts Centre had jointly curated Li’s solo exhibition with the Angoulême International Comics Festival in France as one of the Festival’s thematic exhibitions. His French comics The Beast, a collaborative project with the famous Belgian writer Jean Dufaux, was released at the same time. This solo exhibition had given birth to another international cooperation opportunity. Li was invited by the Louvre Museum to create a new comics Moon of the Moon. The French version was released in November 2019 in Europe and the Hong Kong Chinese version by the local publisher Today Publications in March 2020. His recent romance comic YUM SUI was published in 2021, and his new comic book Kafka is to be published to pay a homage to Franz Kafka's literary classics in the same year.