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Acky Bright《B/W》插畫集
日本人氣漫畫家/插畫家 Acky Bright,之前曾以獨立出版形式推出畫集《Doodle 3.5》及《BORDER LINE Illustration Book》,近年也積極於不同地方舉辦展覽及 live drawing 活動,現在終於迎來首本商業出版畫集《B/W》及同名展覽~
畫集由 PIE INTERNATIONAL 出版,約 256 頁,重點收錄約 200 張新舊畫作(舊作有加筆修正)。大部份以黑白插畫創作,作畫完成度十分十分高~無論人物的靜態與動態描繪也非常好,當中「新變形少女」系列,結合了機械部件與少女身體,特別是龐大的手部與嬌小的少女身,那反差感十分有趣~正所謂「少女 + 機械」就無得輸~加上還有怪獸呢~另外除了黑白創作外,也有特別收錄部份商業合作插畫~
Acky Bright
He grew up in the cultural mecca of Japan, He grew up steeped in its sources and inspiration, feeding his own talent with a steady diet of golden-age manga and anime, graffiti, live-action films, and international pop culture. Most of his works are in traditional black and white, with a delicate touch and bold compositions, and he uses black markers and tablet device to draw various motifs at will. He is active in a wide range of genres, including manga, cover art (DC Comics, etc.), video, character design, concept art, and live painting, not only in Japan but also around the world.