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Eurnice Lai《FrrrTrrr》
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Eurnice Lai《FrrrTrrr》
This is a story about a strange meeting and a quest for freedom.
Trees can’t sit.
Trees can’t move.
Trees can’t rest.
But, who says that?
You do what you want.
The meeting lets both human and tree to find freedom and precious things within or beyond one’s own world.
Eunice Lai 黎曉蓉
2017 年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,
Graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University in 2017 and has participated in exchange programme in Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Italy.
無論是插畫家、漫畫家、設計師,麵包店店主 @thisbakery,現在的我最喜歡寫故事和畫畫。經驗生活,在世界周圍走,尋找自己和跟世界分享我覺得重要的事。
Illustrator/ Comic Artist/ Designer/ Owner of a Bakery @thisbakery. What I love most right now are writing stories and drawing! I wanna experience life, explore the world, find myself and share what matters to me with the world.
Illustrator/ Comic Artist/ Designer/ Owner of a Bakery @thisbakery. What I love most right now are writing stories and drawing! I wanna experience life, explore the world, find myself and share what matters to me with the world.
Always enjoy life and freedom <:) Cheers