松本大洋《羅浮宮的貓》中文版終於出版了!從 2016 在日本羅浮宮漫畫展看過原稿後,一直期待著知道這小白貓在羅浮宮走來走去搞什麼~ A brief introduction of the the “Cats of the Louvre” boxset, published by Locus Publishing and Dala Publishing, including B/W version and coloured version of “Cats of the Louvre”, full-color poster with author introduction on the back, and a little tote bag.
Tag: 羅浮宮的貓
松本大洋本!30 年鍊成的漫畫人生!
之前也預告過了,終於⋯⋯由小學館出版的《漫畫家本》來到 Vol 4!! 松本大洋本!!! 出版啦!!!!!!!(歡呼~)